At Ciara Ryan Nutritional Therapy & Health Coaching we specialize in women’s health and we can help you to be the best version of you so that you can feel confident and happy in your own skin.
We believe that it’s really important to have a positive and healthy relationship with food and that making changes to how you eat and to your lifestyle should be enjoyable and empowering.
We use a powerful combination of nutritional science, health coaching and lifestyle advice and the results can be truly transformative.

With our easy to follow, practical nutrition advice tailored to your needs and to your health concerns, meal suggestions and recipes that work in the real world you can live life feeling energized and healthy while looking amazing too!
We know from experience that the best ways to get long lasting results is to work with clients for a longer period of time (usually 10 weeks or longer). It takes a little time to address health issues, create healthy habits and a new mindset around food.
We are based in The Bodyright Clinic, Fair Street, Drogheda, County Louth and we also work with many of our clients online over Zoom.

There are some things that we do really well here at Ciara Ryan Nutrition and there are some that we don’t and these include.
Fad diets
Count calories/points/syns
Overly strict regimes
Miracle cures
Standing on weighing scales
You don’t need another ‘diet’. You need a personalised plan, tailored to you so that you can reach your happy weight without worrying about what everyone else is doing – and you need the accountability and coaching to make it work in your life.
You want to be able to wear whatever is in your wardrobe and to walk into a social occasion feeling confident and happy.
Let us support you to get rid of your food cravings, overcome emotional eating and balance those hormones, especially those blood sugar and hunger hormones so that weight loss becomes so much easier and less stressful. And… you can do this by eating delicious, nourishing, varied and interesting foods!
We also have a special interest in weight loss for pre-diabetes and metabolic health.

When we think of hormones we tend to think of our female menstrual cycle and maybe menopause and yes, obviously they are a major part of a woman’s life but our hormones have a HUGE impact on our overall physical and mental health. It’s impossible to underestimate the impact that these chemical messengers have and the influence that they wield over our emotions, our weight, our energy, hunger and stress levels.
All of our hormonal pathways influence and are interconnected with each other.
Having a harmonious hormonal system is like a finely tuned orchestra or a well-oiled machine. However, you might be familiar with a few of these symptoms which can indicate that your hormones need a little care.
Spare tyre around the middle
Gaining weight even though you haven’t changed your diet
Low tolerance to stress (or people! or anything really)
Adult acne
Sore breasts
PMT Mood swings
Disturbed sleep
Painful, very heavy or irregular periods
3pm energy slumps
Many women can be ruled by their hormones and feel that they are on a rollercoaster of emotions each month. It’s time to step off that rollercoaster ladies because there’s a way to help to manage your symptoms by making doable, sustainable changes to your food and lifestyle. Even if you are under the care of your GP or specialist a food, supplement and lifestyle programme can run alongside your conventional medicine recommendations to ensure the very best outcome for you.
Some of the hormonal conditions that we work with in our clinic
Low thyroid function

Are you putting up with a whole host of digestive symptoms that are driving you crazy, are embarrassing and are impacting on your day? If so, then you are most definitely in the right place.
Maybe you sometimes look pregnant, even though you aren’t! Do you have to structure your day around unpredictable bowel movements? Do you have to miss out on foods that you enjoy because they trigger painful reflux?
We work with a range of digestive issues from the mild to the complex.
Bloating and distension
Constipation, diarrhea
or alternating between both
Abdominal pain
or cramping
Wind, burping, excessive fullness
Acid Reflux, GERD, heartburn

Are you a keen amateur athlete confused about all of the information out there on what you should be eating to properly fuel your performance? Maybe you’re struggling to get the best out of your training and not seeing the gains or progress you’re hoping for.
Many amateur athletes are failing to properly support their training regimes with proper nutrition, resulting in a range of issues.
While sport and exercise have huge health benefits, intensive training can put a significant strain on the body’s systems. Failing to get your nutrition right can have significant consequences such as:
Recurrent injuries
Longer recovery time
Fatigue and poor stamina
Poor athletic performance
Hormonal imbalances
Compromised immune function.
If you’re hoping to take your performance to the next level and keep healthy in the process, then you’ve come to the right place.
We’re here to support you with a personalised plan to suit your particular needs, goals and training regime.
No two athletes will have the same needs, so we develop a bespoke plan in consultation with you, taking into account any other health issues you might be dealing with, such as digestive issues or weight loss goal.